| - Here's the thing, there's a couple things I know to be certain, Number One, when I called you the first time and told you what I needed I told you I was more concerned about quality then I was price, I got the "pitch" "all 8 trucks, etc". Told you I wanted coil, everything basically. You recommend Dryer, I said do it. The house had just been remodeled this was the last piece of it. Day of cleaning, your employee arrived on time and started, I dropped in as I work close, he was up stairs with the drill snake, hepa vac was connected to large vent in living room, first thing I noticed was the 10+ inch tear in the in the vent pipe running into the hepa vac, and essentially the dust build up next to Machine from the whole. Next I go upstairs to find Technician with His filthy shoes and ladder feet on the brand new carpet. Needless to say not really impressed so far. Job done, paid. Now a week or so later we move in, having dryer issues? Has to be dryer right because supposedly I hired a team with 30 some years of experience and of course eight trucks so I can't be the dryer vent plugged, right. So I pay for my home warranty to come check dryer and low and behold dryer vent plugged. Now you want to talk over me and tell me some bullshit excuse, you tell me you had to take an hr which you didn't have to research, well guess what pal I don't have the time to go through dealing home warranty, not having a dryer for a week and a half all because your first guy did a halfass job. Now the second guy rolls out. Basically does the same thing, runs the drill snake out the whole way, gets a little, we now go looking for the outlet to run it back the other way, we find outlet with lint and shit pack in it, he scoops it out goes inside puts the shop vac in reverse stuffs in a rag to seal it come outside to "feel" it's clear. At the end of the day your service is bullshit and your personally a joke with your 8 trucks, who gives a shit. Maybe you need to get your ass out of the office, check your guys and your equipment. I had a concrete cutting and coring biz for yrs and would have been out of biz had I ran it like you run yours