| - After an evening of celebrations at Telus Spark/Beakerhead, we wrapped up our evening with a late dinner at the Silver Dragon. Amongst friends, this place is also known as home of the "crack fish" so delicious that it barely makes it one round of the table and it is all gone. I can hear Captain Jack Sparrow saying "why is the fish always gone?" after sampling this delicate delight.
What makes this fish so special, you ask? Let me start with a batter so light, it melts in your mouth. Yes, it's fried but it is never greasy or tough. The sauce, oh the sauce...yes, the sauce...mmm...the fish is tossed in this lovely, sauce that isn't too sweet, isn't too salty or sticky. It's just like something out of Goldilocks and the Three Bears - it's just right. The proper name for this dish, of course, is Golden Soy Sauce Fish.
So, did we order anything else? We sure did, and we enjoyed every bite. However, the fish, oh the fish...yes, the fish was epic!