My son and I attended a Skate/Hockey Birthday party here and had a great time!
This was his first time on ice skates (his first time on roller skates was awful, so I was scared). I think the cold ice helped calm him down a bit and he loved skating! We took our fill of spills and slides, no major crashes!
I will give you a word of advice on the Skate/Hockey party. If you as an adult want to skate stay towards the glass, or the opposite side of the hockey players. Adults make bigger targets for them to take you out! Not once but twice for me. I think I came home with more bruises than my son.
Yes the skates can be a bit uncomfortable, I suggest taking an extra pair of tube socks. There's a full concession with adult beverages, some video games and lots of room for larger parties.
The martial arts studio has caught our eye on each party our daughter has been invited to attend.