Last year I needed alterations to a piece of sporting equipment so I started calling around. Most of the shops I called were confused and said they couldn't do what I needed. When I got Minas on the phone, his immediate response was "I can do anything!!". I was careful to explain....I am an ice hockey goalie and a very small woman. I play at high recreational levels so I can't afford to go light on my protective gear. I had bought a chest protector that fit everywhere but the arms. Even with adjustment, they were too long and interfered with my gloves. I needed the arms taken up about 3 inches at the shoulder without losing any mobility. Again he said "I can do anything!!!". Sounds good to me!
When I went into the shop, the woman at the counter looked at me funny and said she didn't think I was in the right shop. I told her I had spoken to a gentleman on the phone and he said I could bring the C/A in. She went into the back and returned with Minas. He looked the C/A, asked me to put it on, looked at it more closely, nodded his head and said "Wait here". 15 minutes later he came back and asked me to put it on fit PERFECTLY!!!! When I asked him how much he wanted for the job, he asked me what I thought was fair. Honestly, I had no idea so he asked me how much I had in my pocket, which turned out to be about $13. He said that was enough and thanked me for my business.
Including the amused looks by the guys being fitted for suits and Minas' amazing attitude, this was a truly pleasant experience. He really can do anything!!!