First you would want to Sort by Newest to oldest because the people who reviewed 3 & 4 years ago don't know what's going on now.
Extremely expensive for what you get. The place is bug infested in apartments and out and when you're walking outside you will see big roaches "Water roaches" everywhere specially when the sun is going down.
The back gate is always broken and just so happens to be the same gate where cops have searched the grounds for people who were chased from the shopping center and ran into the complex.
The plus side is that Joe G. is there and he's awesome that's the only reason Aspire deserves a star that and the theater, the other staff people that was once there all quit and its another group of people working at Aspire. This place continuously go downhill as the price rises every year.
They should just put all the flight school kids in one building and let everyone know that there is a lot of flight school kids that are constantly swapped out and do what they want..when people are doing tours, or before they sign a lease.
Review all the reviews from current residents. This place could and should be a 4 star or 5 star place but it needs a complete overhaul. Also update the pictures and show what everything looks like now and not have pictures from 2012.