| - It was in my neighborhood and I figured I would try it out. I have to say that being a person who looks a details, I was disappointed.
I had a male "therapist" and at one point while I was receiving massage on my forearm, he placed my arm in his lap and leaned over, trapping my hand on his privates. First I thought it was accidental, but then I wondered, since he didn't adjust it and kept going. I felt quite awkward and uncomfortable. He continued and repeated the same behavior on the other arm, maybe it is acceptable to his practice and doesn't think anything of it?!
The rest of the treatment was OK, but one thing that a lot of places seem to do is having the "therapists" talk to each other when you are two or more people receiving the service in the same room. I am there to relax and not to listen to a conversation in a different language. If you need to catch up, please do so not on my time.
When we were checking out, the lady told me that she would charge me $2 extra if I paid with my CC, even though I confirmed it upon arrival. She should have informed me at that time, NOT when I am checking out. No posting anywhere of such a policy, I believe she made that one up on the spot.
Those things totally put me off and I hope they are more cautious, there are SO MANY foot spas here in Vegas, so the choice is not limited by any means. I will not be a returning customer.