| - let me tell you about my experience at the Spay/Neuter clinic this morning located on the NE corner of Gilbert Rd in Mesa, AZ. I'm not one to overreact or complain about virtually anything. I'll start from the beginning. This past Monday on 12/14, I took my pug/Boston terrier to get spayed. This particular clinic was highly recommended in the past so I felt comfortable taking her. Everything went fine, took her home, gave her the required medication that they had provided me with for the next 3 days. Yesterday I began to notice that there was a slight discharge, a little pink but mostly fluid. I called the clinic at around 12 pm and the person I spoke with said that's normal. The drainage is due to her uterus removal but let me know that I can bring her in tomorrow between 6:30 am - 8:30 am if I'm still concerned. Okay. I kept an eye on her the rest of the day, everything seemed to look about the same. This morning at 6 am, the area was completely swollen and now I'm extremely concerned so I rushed to the clinic where approximately 20-30 people were ahead of me. I knew the drill; sign in and wait. I made the terrible mistake of forgetting her leash at home so I'm kicking myself for being in such a rush to get here. So I'm holding her while trying to fill out the same damn paperwork I filled out on Monday but I'm compliant and do it anyway. There was a sweet woman and her daughter that helped me while I filled out the paperwork. Suddenly, Dolly begins to bleed PROFUSELY EVERYWHERE. I'm clearly in a panic at this point so I scramble to the front desk begging to be seen sooner. The person at the front desk had the AUDACITY to say NO. I HAVE TO WAIT IN LINE LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. The people behind me ALL back me up saying that I can go in front of them. He said NO "that's not how the system works". I'm completely dumbfounded by this statement and I feel as though that I may throw up. I respond to him saying "why does the system have to come before humanity???" Tears are streaming down my face and I'm in complete panic mode because my dog is in pain and I can't do anything to help her and no one at this facility cares about the wellbeing of an animal in an emergency state because again, THATS NOT HOW THE SYSTEM WORKS. He then implies that I'm verbally abusing him and tells me to not speak to him in that way. Please note, not one shred of profanity was used while communicating with this individual. I begin thinking of every emergency vet in the area that I could take her to when he recommends a place to go to but they don't open for another couple of hours or I can come back at 11 am to be seen. I'm sorry but WHAT ARE YOU THINKING BY SAYING THIS?? Do you expect me to improvise how to keep my dog from getting an infection due to the NON STOP bleeding for several more hours??? "Please for the love of God, put yourself in my position for a second and understand how critical this is", I said to him. "Okay let me ask the doctor". He initially stated that they said no and I have to wait in line. I can't believe what I'm hearing. He then comes back a minute later and let's me know that I'll be the next in line. YES!! THANK YOU!!!!! So I wait. The next person is called...then the next... And the next..... I was obviously not on the top of the list. At this point, my sweater and my shoes and the floor and just covered in blood. I'm shaking from anxiety and pure anger. To conclude this NIGHTMARE, I was seen 45 minutes later where they stapled her shut again and proceeded to blame me for her condition. I have to go back in 10-14 days but I would rather pay another clinic $400 to remove the staple than to ever step foot in that facility ever again. If you live in the Gilbert/Mesa area, DO NOT support this establishment.
I was asked to update my review. So here's an update:
Their staple on Friday resulted in an infection . I had to take her to the emergency vet. I tried to contact the woman from corporate but no response. No one should ever support this place. I'm disgusted beyond belief