Portions are big big big! Many places will advertise big portions but when you get there, all you get are big portions of things you don't like. Like lots of rice, potatoes, veggies etc. Here, the size of the pork is the size of my knuckles. I think you get about 5 really really big pieces in the pork dinner.
The size of the 10oz steak was pretty decent as well. Again, with some places, they advertise 10oz but after cooking, it looks like the piece of meat when on a instant diet. This is not the case here, meat was big.
Taste wise, could've been better. But got to caught up when i saw the amount of food I'm entitled too.
Price wise, not that bad. Not the cheapest but definitely not expensive. You definitely get more than you pay for.
Will i come back... yes. Need to get my hands on their burgers. Looked like the size of my head.