| - HORRIBLE BUSINESS. Sink this deserves to CLOSE
There are many fake Yelp accounts giving this business 5 star reviews, I assume in an attempt to offset his sinking business.
After all the "Compliments" used to threaten and bully anyone giving less than stellar reviews, how is this man still paying his bills??? These complements are all visible to the public and the more I look, the more I read and become disgusted. Not only should this place be out of business, but IVO (The Bulgarian owner) should be jailed and returned to his country. We don't need his behavior here. He bashes "Americans" on Yelp and to his employees. The baseball bat behind the counter and calling his teenage employees "bitches" is just some of the incredibly sickening things he gets away with daily.
The Health dept needs to investigate this businesses habit of leaving food in the pots all shift and then placing the food in the fridge and back to the stove the next day. NOT GOOD! When a kid that's had the Health Card mentions how the food needs to be stored and handled other ways, he was called a "bitch". I have a child that worked for him for a week and REFUSED TO PAY HIM, and further told him to "Get the F*** out" of his store, my child feared the bat behind the counter and left.
"Ivo"...(the boss or owner) has been witnessed treating employees like DIRT on multiple occasions when I've been there.
Even if their food was TOP NOTCH, I would never support this lack of respect by any business towards their help!
UPDATE: This same man sent a threatening "compliment" from a fake Yelp account to my Yelp account (same account left a POSITIVE review to NORTH END PIZZA), told me a "gangster will kill me, and then he will p** and s*** on my dead body". This man is mentally ill and employing innocent kids that are scared of his instability ! Thankfully he never gets personal information from them, but he only pays the long timers! He needs to be STOPPED!