| - This store is fun, it is so dated, it is like walking into the 70's, crooked floors, messy merchandise displays and little rhyme or reason to the everything.
On the other hand you just can't beat the prices and the it is fun to just wonder the ails and look around at the useful, weird and amusing stuff. Never saw so many beaver items, spoons with beavers, hats with beavers, note pads with beavers.
The layout is so strange I always get lost, there is a maze of different levels, different floors and long corridors linking one building to another.
All in all it is a fun place to spend an hour and but some stuff you didn't even know you needed. The place could use a major overhaul but I guess like many other prime properties downtown Toronto, they are probably just waiting for the right condo developer to buy the property, if the city allows it of course.