I hear so many problems, from people that don't read the receipt they get.
It says on the receipt ,you have 30 days to make returns. 30 days
I bought to much flooring and glue when I shopped.
I brought it back in two weeks & got a full refund.
I went to Lum. Liq. today to pick up some trim.
I swear there was some woman , bitching because she could not understand why she couldn't get cash back for some items she had purchased over a year ago. The clerk was bending over for her. He was sending her a full refund.
The corp. office mails out refunds.
My return took 2 weeks.
She did not like it, she wanted her money now. You can't make some people , ever happy.
If you want a money back guarantee,
join Costco. You will pay more , but you can bring back your purchase almost anytime.