Have you been to Stool Pigeons, Picasso's, or Fox and Hound Lately? Then you have been to Fitzgerald's only their dinner and drink service are not up to par. This place has zero zing... zero. There is nothing special about it and no reason other than the free parking to have a drink or eat there. Their best drink special of the day, a $3 Blue Moon, ran out by 8:15 on opening night and it wasn't nearly as busy as I have seen the old Buckheads get. .
The first Blue Moon I drank had an overwhelming taste/scent of onion as if someone cut an Orange with the safe knife or cutting board as they used to chop onions...gross. I did ask the server about it and so my second (yes I braved another) actually tasted much better.
I ordered the shrimp entree for $11.95. This was definitely an appetizer portion. I was served ten shrimp which were not very large on an appetizer plate with a side of cut up onions with a dash of mealy tomatoes and three small pieces (half of my pinky size) of browned avocado. I couldn't taste the lime and it was very-much under-seasoned. Eating a plate of mushy onions was not appetizing and therefore it mostly remained untouched on my plate. I didn't complain because I already felt bad for the onion-beer complaint but it was fairly obvious my side wasn't touched. The food quality was unacceptable.
Service was ok for a first night and I'm sure she probably was more than a bit nervous. A more nuanced server might have thought to comp the first beer or notice my side was still glaringly on my appetizer/entree plate...but I won't fault her too much since it was their grand opening and therefore an expected learning curve.
I will say the place looked nicer than Buckheads which is definitely a plus. I hope they get better...a lot better.