One of my least favorite places is the Tampa Bay area. Friends of mine insist on buying second homes there from the huge depreciation of condos or actually have the spite to retire there. Thus I find myself frequenting the Bay area as if I enjoy it. Since there are immigrant groups who have preferred settling there than in northern Ohio, I at least can sample Peruvian chicken, Hawaiian plate lunches, Colombian dinners or Cuban fare.
Once I discovered the many Cuban eateries I grew to enjoy my visits a great deal more. Cleveland lacks Cuban but Puerto Rican food shares many techniques and ingredients. Nary a month goes by I am not at one of the widely scattered PR restaurants in NE Ohio. Today I tried the Rainbow Bakery. It is one of those places where I think my GPS is nuts. Turn left in .5 miles then a sharp right then a left, make a U................
It was one of our typical sunny February days in the 50s. I was glad to pull into a parking space and see a rather large outdoor eating area. Of course to the Puerto Rican customers the day was no where near as balmy. No one was outside. Once I walked in I had one of those oh dear what a mistake this is moments.
It is more of a convenience store offering a small selection of untempting bakery and a very meager offering of hot foods. Never one to admit my own failure I stood at the counter. On a board were written three dinners and instructions forbidding additions of sides or the use of food stamps. Other signs were taped to the glass, which Moses would have loved, informing customers what else is outlawed.
I got a large order of beef stew over rice and beans as well as some type of soup which the server could not translate well enough for me to know what it is. I waited till I got home expecting to tell myself good for you guy you tried it now delete it from the GPS. I was so wrong and the other reviews so right. I was given enough food for a couple and one child. And no matter how much you may like your own stew you ain't tasted nothing till you had this one. Just tender beef in a thick flavorful sauce with a few chunks of potato. The rice and beans made me pity Symon's rosemary french fries or those fried in duck fat. So dull, doncha know.
I can add one more PR eatery to my short but wonderful list.