| - I'm a landlord who asked them to rent 2 properties for almost 4 years.
In the end, they paid me back by charging me 1% of selling commission for doing nothing(not listing agent or buyer agent -- the tenant didn't ask them as buyer agent), even though they had days of time to inform me that they would change me if I sold to tenant. And they do know many landlords didn't pay attention to the selling commission clause. Immediately after we got into contract of selling to tenant, they informed me the charge, before that they said they forgot to remind me. How ironically. :)
Property management is all about trust, ethics and save landlord's time, they had days of time to inform me the charge, but they didn't. If they did, I have days of time to reject tenant's offer. I agreed to pay them 6 months of extra management fee, but they used the trap I was in contract to sell and can't back out, to force me to pay 1%(reduced from contracted 3%). I can manage to pay 0 cents if they informed me earlier. And they knew many landlord didn't pay attention to this selling commission and didn't inform, it's not ethical. That's the reason of this one star.
Property management(like Shelter Realty) think that they found the tenants, but they didn't think who paid then to look for the tenants, who paid the ADV and renewal fees, who paid them 8% management fees. The tenant is landlord's ultimately, isn't it. how could they ask for selling commission when they hadn't played any role in selling? isn't their duty to use the 8% to take good care of the property? isn't their duty to inform the coming charges?
To all the new landlord, look for property management who will think of your benefit and who think of taking their fair share according to their contribution.