The owner or manager Barbra is a horrible person and a bully.
First visit okay...
Second visit great...
The third was when things took a serious turn for the worse. The girl who did my shellac the third visit was nice but didn't soak my nail in the product to remove them for long enough and filled all my nails off to the point where they all started to break really far on the nail within the second day of having them done it was painful, annoying and a big disappointment. I had just got back from a vacation and catching up on work. Life was happening. I didn't have time to call or go in right away to handle it. I called today to explain what had happened and asked if they would do a complimentary shellac manicure. The woman said sure come in. It's been two weeks since I was here so you can see how far they had grown out but also how deep/far down all my nails had broke... I was completely humiliated when the woman started raising her voice at me. I felt like I was being scolded by a parent for something I hadn't done. In the end I was told if I wanted to have a shellac manicure I would have to pay for it out of principle I declined. Two women at the salon asked me what had happened and were very apologetic. The nail tech was very sweet and apologized on Barbra's behalf which was nice but obviously very far from the truth. If Barbra was sorry she would had apologized to my face and made the situation right.
Do yourself a favour do not bother coming here. Out of principle I would never had paid them for another service and contributed to their income. I was disrespected and my time was waste missioning here on the TTC. I don't like paying bullies overheads or people that suck at what they do... I would also like to point out how offensive it is when nail techs speak in another language clearly being disrespectful. Barbra was yelling to everyone that worked there about me after and made a huge scene in another language. This place is totally unprofessional. Ewww #endofrant