You know what would make this park worth it to travel to.... If they brought back banzai banzai, bubble up, willy willy, black hole & raging rapids! Man Las Vegas was known to have the craziest water park on the strip lol. Adults and kids of all ages loved that place. Looking at old photos u can see how amazing that park was, how big it was, and how it was better constructed. Vegas is known to have things no other place has. Why did we bring back wet n wild to cut it in half? If it was to be constructed way out in the middle of nowhere what a perfect opportunity to go big. I just met two people on the Catalina Express boat from Long Beach, Ca to Catalina Island who happened to sit next to us and were as well from Vegas. What was the topic of conversation.... The glory days of wet n wild! But hey, they brought it back for crying out and may I add... Thanks for bringing it back, for thinking about the locals and giving us a place to rest easy. I live in LA now and looking forward to checking it out