| - I read the reviews of this place, utter nonsense! Do your research, people!
I am an actor/model, but have poor dental genetics, despite brushing twice daily and flossing almost every day. I also love soda & ice cream, so I easily get cavities. I had a root canal/post & crown done on a molar, by a dentist when I was 22(40 now). After ~16 years of service, the crown finally gave up, resulting in a post sticking out of my jaw, poking my tongue. I went to Zahiri, simply to have the post removed. Not only did she refuse to remove the post, she also recommended grinding down/capping ALL of my teeth! Of course this would have cost me upwards of $25,000, which, as another ACTUAL reviewer pointed out, they were all too happy to book. Naturally the insurance company said this was cosmetic, and wouldn't cover any part of it. Of course it was, my visible teeth are all straight and look fine. When I declined the offer to go for something which costs 5-figures, the dentist went to work devising a plan to expend the remainder of my annual dental allowance. She came up with a laundry list of things of which required "IMMEDIATE" repair, the post was the only thing bothering me, and anything else couldn't be seen anyway. I got 2 fillings and 2 root canals(1 w/post & crown). I was told by the financial person(dumbest girl EVER..perfect); insurance would cover a certain amount, and the remainder would be my responsibility. She quoted me a price, and gave me my balance, ~$750, which I paid in full, that day. I later got another bill.
The work was done over a few visits. Zahiri burned my lip with an instrument, HORRIBLY! I'm not talking about a tiny boo-boo, I looked like I had herpes for a while, so thanks for that! I still have the scar! I was numb from the lidocaine, couldn't feel it, but smelled it, asked about it, and was ignored. They also make you sign a legal waiver, stating you can't sue them for anything which may go awry, that's not alarming! Anyway, upon the second visit, the dentist is looking at my gums, and says, "you really need to take better care of your teeth", I said, "I brush and floss regularly". She said, "Nooo, I don't think so". What an idiot! You did the fillings on those teeth, along the gum line, the week before, that's why the gums were raw, KNOB! But I couldn't tell her that because she had stuff in my mouth, but more so because she's one of those people that CAN'T be wrong. The entire time I sat in the chair, looking at a series of constantly cycling pictures on a computer monitor. Pictures of the dentist and her workers in tropical locations, all gussied-up, posing like models, and images of entire mouth jobs, (others went for it, I didn't bite, Bwahaha). Of course Zahiri is wearing something different in the pics, how very secure. Hmm, I wonder how you got the money to do all that? Oh yeah, recommending work people don't need, draining their insurance allotments, misquoting client's ACTUAL balance and % of insurance coverage, then attacking their credit for the remainder. After calling clients for months, badgering them for money they didn't know they needed to pay, the debt is finally sold to a third-party collection agency! I digress. It's been ~1.5 years since I had this carnage done. You may be asking yourself, "Self, why is he writing the review now?". I AM SO GLAD YOU ASKED!! You see, about 3 months ago I was chewing on a piece of steak and the crown popped off....WITH THE POST STILL IN IT!! It stabbed my gums and tongue. Not only that, the other work she did is also RUBBISH, and irritates me daily!! Zahiri said I needed an implant, and she would need to take another X-Ray, to determine IF I needed a bone graft. She also said two other teeth NEEDED root canals. Upon my next visit, her financial person began billing me for a bone graft, I said, "WHOA, hold up there, Moonbeam, what happened to, IF you need a bone graft?"! The girl says, "you need a bone graft to have an implant". I told her Zahiri said it might not be necessary, Moonbeam disagreed. Now I'm no rocket scientist, but my ESPN told me I may be dealing with a bunch of crooks with perfect(likely fake and super expensive)teeth!! I researched the procedure; it seems a bone graft is only necessary if there is insufficient bone mass. Well, there was a tooth there an hour ago, which didn't want to come out, there's likely plenty of bone mass, yet without an x-ray, Moonbeam KNOWS I need a bone graft, Rrriiight. I said, "Negative, I'm moving, I'll just take care of it later". I found a dentist in Washington, he took his own X-rays and SHIZZAM, I only needed two fillings and NO bone graft!! He is MUCH better skilled, educated, and professional. I know Zahiri will likely respond with some explanation absolving her of crappy-person-ness; the form you signed said this, I never said that, I never did this, etc.. You are obviously an egomaniac, get over yourself! The short brunette at the end of the row(in the pic)was polite and professional.