| - To be fair, I'll start with the one redeeming factor: very good guac. However, that guac arrived at our outside waiting area exactly 50 minutes after I ordered it at the bar. Yes, 10 minutes short of an hour ... for guacamole.
The food was over spiced to make up for what it lacked in substance and preparation. The shrimp was overcooked with a rubbery texture and the mahi was no better. The brisket was mediocre at best.
Not only was the food underwhelming, but from the start we were treated with an arrogant attitude by everyone from the hostess (who rolled her eyes when I asked for the 50 minute guacamole to be comp'd (which never was ..)) to the bartender with whom we placed our initial order, and continued to follow up on the guac as 20 min, 30 min and 45 min had passed. And as a couple recently transplanted from NYC, we know the difference between arrogance and deserved pride in your product- this was most definitely the former.
Finally, to cap off a 3 hour painful ordeal, as we were walking downstairs, my wife asked for help fetching our stroller from the outdoor garage (as they did not accommodate our outdoor seating request) to which the waitstaff replied with chagrin, "it's right there, you can get the door for yourself right?" Funny, as they mentioned they "love children" when we called for reservations.
The "slogan" on the bottom of the menu serves more as a disclaimer than a motto in my opinion.. "we only serve those happy to be here" Consider yourself warned.