Bought gold circle general admission "right" tickets (~$250 each). Friday night show. Arrived at Zappos Theater in Planet Hollywood around 530pm and we were first in line. Others didn't start showing up until 6-630, in very small numbers (ie, 6 people). It was hard to find where to go. The line begins forming right in front of Oakley store in mall, directly in front of a desk labeled customer service. Between 7-730pm they come to line, look at mobile ticket on phone, and give you a wrist band which becomes your ticket essentially. At 730pm they let you go through security (but setup then defeats purpose of being first in original line b/c you get mixed up in security and people who were behind you end up getting in front of you - b/c after security you're then told to walk directly to right side along wall where you wait again until 8pm. At 8pm they let you in theater where you claim your primo spot by the stage. Honestly, GA-right did not fill up until 9pm. There was plenty of room. And right versus left doesn't matter after you are let in b/c you can go to any spot in GA section. If I had it to do over again, I would not arrive until maybe 8pm for a general admission ticket. We were there to see JLo. She came on at 9:30. We were right by stage, close enough to touch her. It was pretty cool but I did get tired of standing. Being that close was amazing though. Pics and videos taken with iPhone and no zoom. Literally beads from outfits fall on you b/c you're so close. She touches your hands, mostly those in front. I think if we hadn't gotten there so early it would have been better b/c I was really tired of standing. They don't let you sit on floor while waiting in line. The concert and performance was really good. After concert, everyone has to exit through one main door so it takes a while and you pass tons of exits that they won't let you use. The staff were exceptionally nice and friendly. So were security guards. If the entry and exit situation had of been better organized I would have given 4-5 stars.