We went to the fair on opening day. A buck to get in but 12.00 to park.
We took my nine year old neice who had never been to a fair (she lives in Globe and they keep her fairly sheltered). She was overwhelmed just walking in and I caught her staring at quite a few people.
She probably would have been happy to leave right then having seen enough freaky people.
The food was good. Fair food. Greasy and sugary and cotton candy wonderfuliciousness. That's a word. Don't question me.
We rode a few rides. Had a great time. We decided to leave just three hours later when we spotted two 12 or 13 yr old girls makin' out. Yeah, thankfully she didn't see THAT. It would have been a long ride home full of questions...that only her mother should answer.
On the way out we stepped over a hypodermic needle. I like how the addicts just leave it there for the next guy. I like a giving spirit.