Attended the "Create Your Sacred Space In 1/2 Hour with Kenzie Brown" a 1/2 hour to effectively shift your vibration into restoring a normal flow of energy throughout your system. Sometimes our chakra's are out of their proper rotation and the crystal bowls can be used to strengthen them, cleanse their centers, draw out negative energy patterns, and clear your auric field of your day. Stop by and allow the sound of the bowls to be absorbed into your cells, your spine, and all your chakra centers to balance your whole body. The Crystal Singing Bowls an harmonize with your heart, your mind, as well as your physical bodies in just a short amount of time."
This is my 1st experience in life using these type of methods to enhance my overall wellness and health. I have to Kenzie is such a nice woman who is a great teacher and embraces all people who attend her events, newbies like me and seasoned people.
I would also advise attending the "Kenzie(s) Happy Hour"