| - Just like previous patients, I encountered a rude, condescending, bitter tiny receptionist. I said hello because she obviously wasn't going to greet me. She was in the middle of a funny gossip fest with her coworker. Turned to look at me with no greeting after mine, and changing her expression to a very serious angry face, she said: name. I answered with a smile to show that I wasn't there to upset her very sad low life. As she checked my name in, she turned to her coworker again and it was instant smile and gossip about her situation. Again turns to me, flat angry face because I obviously interrupted her gossip time, hands me a clip board and with no further words, turns back to her story. I, being a client of over 2 years already know I have to fill out paperwork. But, if I was a new client, I would have been mad with the service.
Thankfully my physician is great and friendly and caring. On my way out I made sure I walked over to the other coworker, with glasses, she was friendlier and at least said thank you to me when I handed over the clip board. She even asked questions for follow ups and wished me a good day. Now, even though she was the one talking with the rude unprofessional one before, at least she did her job when approached.
I should give it less stars, but like I said, Todd is great. The other Doctor rushes you too much but Todd is on it. After 2 years, gota pick my battles.