First night: bites all over my chest..
2nd night: more bites...on my back and arms
When I made my reservation I seen it advertised on Priceline for 84$ a night...I choose to call the hotel direct to avoid paying booking fees (I should have paid the extra fees with Priceline). The front desk clerk advised if I booked direct I would receive a 25$ food and drink credit for each night..that would have been great as they had a 20$ a night resort fee (the second day I was told this is not true and the food & beverage credit is only good for a one time use) tip & gratuity will be charged to you before you check out. The menu is pitiful..I tried the green chili chicken quesadilla...terrible, is all I can say! The room service attendant told me he cleaned the pool today on property (what?) and he was also the bartender. The night auditor is also the accountant and the stand in front desk personnel. What I'm saying is, this property is going downhill & they will nickel and dime to death. This is not what I consider a "resort."
Needless to say I cancelled my 3rd night because I can't take another night of being eaten alive!!!! SAVE YOUR $$ & go to the DOUBLETREE down the street!
Melanie: DID YOU HAVE A PEST SNIFFING DOG INSPECT THE ROOM??? Or was it a visual test conducted??? I have done my research and I'd like to know the method (documented) that was used to "inspect"