| - So maybe, before she gets down to devouring her food she at least communicate to whomever is taking over that there are patrons, that have been standing, and now sitting at a dirty table with absolutely no service. So then the waitress disappears into the kitchen, and the waitress number one tosses her napkin on her plate, comes to our tables, doesn't say anything and slams the cutlery and menus in the center of the table and walks away.
I am not sure if this is regular service at this tacky place, but I've never experienced that before. I wanted to walk out, but for the sake of all the effort we got to just get some service, I thought the food better be worth it and we've come too far by this point.
So we order, I ordered the Breakfast Quesadilla, my friends order the Belgian Mini Waffles and the West Coast Toast, and coffees and water.
My friends are splitting the West Coast Toast and the Belgian Waffles, so they ask if they can bringout the West Coast Toast first, and then the Belgian Waffles, the waitress says sure, all seems okay.
We end up getting the West Coast Toast and Belgian Waffles together, as in at the same time. The waitress says, she put in the order after, but "I guess they cook fast". Okay, smart ass waitress, that why you put in the order AFTER the person is done eating the meal or almost done or at least let the cook know, if you don't feel like doing that.
My quesadilla was unimpressive, too much and kind of dry, I ended up ordering a side of guacamole to go with it, the home fries are terrible, but I decide to not complicate my life and just don't eat them, and the "salad" that comes with all this is wilted and looks old. At this point I am just thinking about being somewhere else. We all tried making conversation but it all came back to the terrible and hostile service. I tried to enjoy my food, after all of that, this became an impossible task.
My friend dug into her Belgian Waffles which she told me were amazing and she always gets them, she spoke too soon, they were half raw dough inside (they cook fast huh?). So we feel bad complaining but, we can't eat it since the dough is raw inside. We call over the waitress, who never asked us how the food was or never asked to refill coffees or water. My friend tells her how she gets the Belgian Waffles every week, and normally they are fully baked inside, the dough is raw and doesn't seem right, and open the Belgian Waffle for the waitress to see, our clever waitress responds with "well they used the same dough as last time". I have no words. Telling me that is the equivalent of me telling you my steak is not cooked properly and you responding, well "we used the same recipe". So she asks us if we want to send them back? Of course, I didn't tell you about the raw dough so you could watch me as I eat it. Duhh.
So she comes back with the difference, there were 5, two were cut in half, one was eaten, and she brings us back 3 waffles, we decide to just have the damn waffles and pay and leave. We open it, the waffles are hot, cut into it, and the dough is still raw, surprise! Microwaving the waffle wont automatically cook it. So they didn't make another one, they just reheated the other ones.
Such a joke.
We left zero tip. I have never left Zero tip.
In conclusion, in case you are too lazy to read my review.
The service is way too poor to even excuse coming here for the food. It's "meh" quality at best. Do yourself a favor and go elsewhere. I think a monkey might give you better service than the servers here.