It started off okay, but once summer came along so did the scorpions. I got stung twice and found another 11 that I've killed not to mention the once I thought were dried leaves on the top for the entry door. They've sprayed but that really doesn't mean anything to them. "Oh we're changing companies, blah, blah, blah." WORD OF CAUTION: tap out your shoes and don't have your mattress on the ground, they like to cuddle.
Your neighbors upstairs like to vacuum at 11:30 at night, not sure why, they are heavy-footed too.
On Friday and Saturday nights you can hear your neighbors playing music at what seems like would be a deafening level if you where in their apartment.
The planes overhead didn't really bother me but they start somewhere around 6AM. You can tell which ones are coming in low.
Once my A/C unit began to leak because I could hear dripping near the door. Maintenance came to fix it and it stopped dripping. I had to soak up the water and put a fan on the area so it wouldn't smell later on. Too bad a few weeks later mushrooms sprouted near the wall. Don't worry they spray an anti-fungi stuff on the wall and the carpet under the A/C unit. They had to tear off the paint (ONLY the paint) and repaint.
Watch where you step if you want to take a shortcut across the grass some people with dogs don't think it's their responsibility to put up after their animals.
The only good thing I can say about this place is that it's walking distance from downtown and the festival. Close to the light rail. My neighbor across the way was pretty cool also. I know it could have been worse but it sure as heck was anything good. I'd post pics if I could.
Previous tenant of Apartment 149 aka "The Scorpion Den"