I would recommend Arizona Academy of Real Estate INSTEAD. Arizona School of Real Estate & Business is overkill if you ask me. You need to take your test and pass before you can take the state test. Well if you fail the school test they won't show you your test scores to help in any way. In fact you get sent home to find out if you pass online. Funny because even the state test is graded immediately, and breaks down the test in sections so you know what to study when you retake the test. My friend went to Arizona Academy of Real Estate and said they scan your test right in front of you when you turn it in, and it breaks down each section to let you know what you got wrong so you know what to study. Same format as the state test. Oh, and their study guide was so small. Well if you go to ASREB you definitely won't be able to say the same. Arizona School of Real Estate gives you 3 different study guides. The National Study guide has two study guides they tell you to memorize. One study guide for this has 522 questions, study guide 2 has 320 questions, and the state study guide has 279 questions. That is 1,121 questions they send you home with for a school test that only has 200 questions, and the state exam which has only 185 questions!!!! They try to trip you up big time by giving you OVER 6 times the amount of material you actually need. The worst part about it is you don't get to see any proof of how you did on each section so if you barely pass or fail, then you won't have any clue what to study. You will be back looking over 1,120 questions again hoping you can remember all 1,120 questions for the 185-200 you actually test on. My friend who went to the other real estate school passed the first time with an 82%. I looked at her study guide....UNDER 200 QUESTIONS!!! The only difference is that ASREB allows you to pass at 75% and Arizona Academy of Real Estate ups it to 80% (with 1/6 of the headache studying for it).