Have you ever been to Disneyland? And in Disneyland, have you been to the Tiki Juice Bar? You know where I'm going with this, right? If not, deep in the heart of Adventureland there is a little place that serves something called Dole Whip. It's frozen pineapple goodness. And it is truly magical.
Frost has a pineapple sorbet that might just be better than Tiki Juice Bar because I don't have to pay to fly to Florida and I don't have to deal with humidity and I'm guessing there are significantly less calories. Seriously, a serving of dairy free sorbet at Frost is 95 calories. I go to Frost just for that and it is just as good, if not better, than the real stuff down at Disney.
Of course, if you don't feel as strongly as I do about pineapple sorbet/replicating a Dole Whip experience there are lots of other choices. The gelato and sorbets are beautifully presented and the kids behind the counter will let you try as much as you want. It's just missing Micky Mouse.