I'm not sure why I keep putting off reviewing Joe's BBQ, because it's definitely one of my favorite restaurants in town. I guess I have TOO many good things to say! Here are just a few of them:
The service is always friendly and fast and the food is cheap. Even though I've never made it in on my birthday, I love that they offer a free complete meal on your day!
In general I'm not a big fan of BBQ. In fact, the only thing I ever get at Joe's is their chicken breast sandwich, but I'm hooked for life. The mac & cheese is amazing and I've been known to get two portions of it because it is so good. I recently discovered their cornbread, and it is also a winner. The root beer cake was intriguing but not as good as I was hoping for, but the lemon cake is great. Oh and the chocolate chip cookies are the best I've ever had.
My only little complaint, and it's not even something that can be fixed because of the restaurant setup, is how it is difficult to get drink refills when there is a long line. I always feel awkward trying to maneuver my way through the line up to the drink area.
It's probably a good thing I don't live closer to Joe's because I'd be in every single day. No joke.