I wish that zero starts was an option ; however, one star is as low as yelp allows me to rate. Therefore, Mortons gets one star! The business is extremely homophobic- so be cognizant of that. I was with my husband and we were celebrating a rather joyous anniversary dinner. The waiter walked by and saw me sitting on the same side of the table as my husband. He approached and said "sir, you can sit opposite your friend if you'd like". I informed him that he is my husband, not a friend. Further, I was quite comfortable in my seat. He seemed bothered by that answer. About 5 minutes later he walked over and ask me " Sir, would you and your friend mine not holding hands. It is offensive to some people- we don't all agree with your lifestyle choice". I asked him to stop calling my husband my friend, and I told him I have every right to hold his hand. He was extremely agitated at this point. After dinner I gave my husband a quick kiss on the cheek as I gave him the watch I bought for his anniversary gift. The waiter walked up and set the check on the table and said " you and your friend can't kiss in here. It's not appropriate".
Why does he keep calling him my friend?
I corrected him 2 separate times.
A few other couples were holding hands and no one approached them. I saw several kisses that were far more involved then my simple peck on the cheek - no one asked them to stop.
This place seriously needs to learn to respect it's customers. My husband and I are both military and fight for this country in uniform. The thought that we have to deal with this type of Intolerance and disrespect is ridiculous. I will not return until adjustments are made.