This where I first experienced yoga. I bought a coupon from Living Socials giving me unlimited access to this studio. They offer the same deal as an introductory for those who are new to yoga.
Until that fateful day, I didn't know anything existed above my favorite bakery.
It's a wonderfully kept studio.
When you walk up the stairs you smell that woodsy smell that is strangely calming. It's clean and inviting. You see rows of towels and mats you can rent if you need.
I love the variety of classes here - from restorative to hot yoga, to acupuncture and various classes to meetings to share your philosophies... there is a real sense of community really provides that community feeling.I fast became a regular for the whole month, and sulked on days when I couldn't make it.
I love that you don't have to be fully equipped to be here; the blocks, straps,mats and pillow and whatever else you may need, they have here for your usage. There is a focus in not pushing your body too far; the postures should not be uncomfortable, the legs should not lock; there are blocks, straps and pillows to give you the support you need to do each posture.
The teachers here are very holistic and I enjoyed being led by almost every one of them. What I regret was that they focus so much on the sense of community and to teach the Anusara philosophy that they often forgo correcting your postures, which is the most important aspect in teaching beginners without a clue. However, they certainly make you feel like a whole new person as time passes....
I love this place for the variety and the love the community it creates but I feel that they need to focus on the posture corrections as well - then it would be perfect.