Not really the greatest. Was approached when I 1st moved here working a seasonal job at a casino hoping to stay on a permenant basis if a regular job was offered to myself. During the time I was working a seasonal job I was awakened by constant pounding on my apartment door, when I opened it was approached by a constable asking me if that was my vehicle parked in my spot. Yes I is I told him, he continued to say I was being served a ticket for out of state license. I informed him that I am a seasonal worker and didnt know if I was staying since I just got here and had no permenant job, only a seasonal one. He said and threaten me saying he would call the cops if I didn't sign the ticket. As I was trying to explain to him my situation he kept on raising his voice with more threats! Not the type of person want representing me. I reluctantly signed only to find out what I knew was right in the first place, I didn't need to registrar my car in Nevada since I was a seasonal employee and was just for a couple of weeks at the time. Unfortunatly this conniving person used threats and lies saying he will tow my vehicle and call the cops to arrest me if I didn't sign! Fines and time wasted out my day for untruthful constable who used threats to get what he wanted, bravo.