So the skinny on the 2 star review. Target itself is clean, has quality merchandise, price isn't outrageous, but the thing that moves them from 'A-OK' to 'I've experienced better' is the fact that they ran a promo during the holidays where if you spent a certain dollar amount then you'd get a coupon for a future visit where you save 25% off of your total purchase. Well the cashier failed to give us that so we called and let them know what had happened and the customer service rep told me that they'd put a coupon aside and we could pick it up with the receipt as proof of the qualifying purchase. When we returned, there was no coupon waiting and the staff looked at us like we had 3 heads and then gave us this response, "We don't have anymore coupons here. We don't know who you talked to and there's nothing here. How would we know that we didn't give you one in the first place?" This type of poor service is amazing to me. If a representative from your company tells me that something is going to be done, then I expect to be able to come in, problem free, and complete the transaction as planned via phone or whatever. If there is no intention on setting aside something, I don't want to make a trip to your place of business just to be greeted with confusion and skepticism.