Found this place because of their excellent pro shop. Lot further than Nautical, Bay, Buckeye and Fairview Lanes but the ride on 480 and 71 goes fast and the trip is worth it! Place is now my favorite place to bowl, even though their rates for open bowling and shoes are usually highest. Bowl here a lot (3-4 times per month, 5-7 games each time) with family or friends, so you have to sign up for specials or you go broke. Lanes are consistent each time, and ball returns almost always work without fixing. Nothing is more irritating than slow/broken ball return when you are trying to bowl that many frames. Food and bar service are best on west side (amongst the bowling alleys on west side). Servers always appreciate (and deserve) a nice tip! Only complaint? Wish they had a simple, accurate way to check on availability of open bowling.