Omigod! Ever since I found out that we get a 20% discount on our perks page at work, I've been itching to check this place out. Sam had been to the original Hofbauhaus when he was in Munich and being the beer connourssier that he is, we HAD to visit.
The parking lot as slightly small but they had valet. We walked in and was greeted by these hostesses that dressed like 15th century beer wenches. AHhhh....
Now to the goodies... The food... We ordered a huge pretzel. Yummy! And then i got a bunch of pork based goodies. I think as far as non-Asians, go, Germans make a good use of the pig in its entirety. The food was great, the beer was great, they even had a live band and spoon dancing. We ended up walking out with a beer glass and a boot shaped beer glass...
auf Wiedersehen!