The overtime food series continues with "The One That Got Away". At first I thought the name of this place was based off a romance novel by Danielle Steele. You know the best sellers that people buy at Indigo that eventually get turned into a romance movie your significant other drags you out to watch. Yeah those ones!
Anyhow I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt that I had my meal about 2 hours after it was made give or take. Can't blame them for those soggy fries tho, it's not their fault they came late! Back to the food stuff, I ordered the Artic Char, because I like my Fish and Chips fancy. I also ordered a side of fries because, I like to carb it up once in a while. Fries with ketchup mayo and pepper make the 5 year old inside me giggle a bit.
The fish was good, and still crispy for being out for so long. The fries were a bit soggy, but they probably tasted great when they were initially tossed into the box. There was a lot of enough to feed a small family to be honest, but I ain't complaining! More fish would be nice, but I was pretty full just on my Fish and Chips box! Overall they do a great job labeling and organizing on their food, unlike most restaurants. I would definitely add them to my list of Fish and Chips places I would try again!