| - We went on a Thursdsy, after having read that it would be the best time. I hadn't been here before, but after reading so many reviews and researching about Bianco, I had a very good idea of what to expect...
To those who complain about the wait: that's the allure of it all!
I love the fact that Pizzaria Bianco forces you into the European style of dining out. You're supposed to take it slow, have wonderful company with great conversations with people you may or many not know... America has fallen into this instant gratification mode of dining that they don't know how to enjoy dining out the way it was meant to be...
Get there at least an hour and half before they open at five. It should place you very close to the first seating, if not, very soon. If you come after they've opened, expect a three hour wait. The list of names fills up fast.
They use an honor system so when you get there, ask who had just gotten there before you and see who gets there after you and your group. It's an honor system, so when they are about to open at five, just go find your place in line.
During the wait, go next door to the bar because they open at four. Order drinks and enjoy your company. If you're unsure or uneasy, just send a member of your party next door to Bar Bianco for drinks & appetizers.
Everything was fresh and delicious.
The margherita pizza is the best in my opinion.
Five of us, two appetizers, two bottles of wine, five pizzas came out to around 50 dollars a person, including the tip.
Not cheap, but then again, not ordinary pizza either.
I think it's an awesome place for a date because you have a lot of time to talk and enjoy the food.