| - Greyhound overbooked 80+ people for the same bus to Los Angeles. I purchased a round trip ticket from Los Angeles, CA leaving to Phoenix, AZ on Monday 10/23/17 for a total of $71.60. Now I assumed if the bus was going to be over-capacitated that it would say "sold out" like numerous other buses and times for heading home from LA said on the site so I bought my ticket for the 2:05am bus on 10/28/17 schedule 1415 that was still available. I get to the Greyhound station about 20minutes early to get a good place on the bus if I can. When I arrive I enter and see 80+ people waiting in line for the same bus as me. You can clearly tell just by the line wrapping around almost the entire station inside that we are not all going to fit on whatever bus was coming for us. We wait in line politely anyways. Once the bus arrives they make an announcement telling us all to line up at door 2 and prepare to board. Nothing happens for at least 15minutes after that. Finally the security guard on duty comes back from talking to the bus drivers and informs one of my fellow passengers that they overbooked and only had 7 seats available on the bus. We still stayed calm and collected and waited to see if this was true. After waiting another 10 minutes with no information I go to the front desk and ask if our bus is going to be full if I could please re-schedule for a later time. ( I noticed the next bus comes at 4:25am, I would still be able to make it to work on time.) Comic con was happening and I new I would make at least $200 that night so I knew if I missed my bus I would be losing out on a lot of money, it's especially necessary this week because on the 31st I move into my new apartment. The woman at the counter, Armoni Thomas informed me that I would have to go back to door 2 in the bus line and wait for the official announcement that tickets would have to be re-scheduled, even though I could clearly see her and her co-worker Dustin Williams preparing to re-issue tickets for the 80+ people that don't have a way home now. I agreed politely and went back in line, for about 5 minutes and then was told to go back in line at the front to get re-issued a ticket. (Surprise surprise) I now have dozens of people trying to trample each other to get in line and get the earliest tickets. I am lucky enough to be the 5th in line. I overhear them tell the first person that the 4:25 bus is sold out and was not an option for anyone. When I get to the counter I confirm again with Armoni that there is no room on the 4:25. I am then told the earliest I would be able to get home the next day is 8pm. I understand it's Greyhounds fault and not Armonis so I take it with a grain of salt. After receiving my new tickets I asked to file a written complaint, seeing as how it's the company's fault for issuing out tickets on a sold out bus. Well while Armoni is in the back getting me a photocopy of my complaint I overhear Dustin a foot to the right of me telling a young woman who is flirting with him that he has one spot left on the 4:25 bus and proceeds to give it to her. This is after 20+ have already gone ahead of her for the same bus, same problem, trying to get on that earlier bus. I then asked Armoni, confused, why she was able to be issued a ticket for the 4:25am bus but not someone who was one of the first in line and had work the following day. She told me that she was specifically told by Dustin that that seat was not available for anyone and to not sell it under any circumstances. Well I guess that doesn't apply to women who bat their eyelashes and flirt with him. The manager Jimmy at this point was at the counter trying to help a couple get a re-fund, heard the entire incident go down and said or did nothing. I then asked Armoni to please give me my photocopied complaint so that I may take it home with me. She handed it to me with no greyhound representative signature. I then asked for the signature and also asked who had to sign it, she pointed at her manager and said "Jimmy". She hands him the paper, he looks at it, hands it back to Armoni and made her sign it instead. Interesting. Judging by the reviews on this page this incident has happened quite a few times and they have done nothing to resolve it and it has in turn made people lose out on money to sustain their livelihood, not make it to family funerals on time, and not able to make it to their family vacations where they spent $100s. Greyhound you should be ashamed of yourselves for being a company that focuses on profit rather then the little man that helps you pay your bills. I have asked for a corporate phone number to get in touch and was denied a number.