The manager Enrique was a jerk and when I asked for the corporate office number gave me a number for some Asian porn company. No I am not horny for an Asian girl. I just wanted some unsweet iced tea with lemon to go with my meal. This manager tried to argue that his little green limes were lemons and if I wanted an iced coffee in exchange then he would have to add at least a dollar. The iced tea was so warm that there wasn't any ice in it and it was still very warm. The gal at the window was so sweet but the manager Enrique was rude like I was annoying him. I went into the restaurant with my 3 year old to complain to him and let him listen to this Asian porn from the number he wrote down. He never once apologized. I called corporate the number on the receipt only to hear that they were sold that day and I would have to call corporate. They were just the customer concerns for the McDonald's that they owned. I then called the new number given to me and my concerns were noted and I haven't heard anything yet! I plan to follow up with the corporation on Monday.