I've been to Aiello's at least 1000+ since I was 4 and I am only 23. I am convinced it is the best pizza...and not just in Pittsburgh. I have lived in New Haven which is known for their pizza including Pepe's and Sally's. I've lived in NYC with legendary Joe's and Lombardi's. I have searched far and wide in my quest for best pizza but alas I have discovered that the best pizza shop pizza is (fortunately) in my hometown. Order well done extra crispy small pizza with extra sauce and extra cheese. No pizza is better. Period.
As far as pizza rankings in Pittsburgh, mine are as follows:
1. Aiello's
2. Beto's (with baked cheese)
3. Della Sala's (extra cheese)
4. Slice on Broadway (original)
5. Cucina Bella
Mineo's fell off a cliff...Aiello's now is how Mineos used to taste in its glory days.