Definitely one of the largest restaurants anywhere, located inside what appears to be an old grocery store. Unfortunately that may be all that they have going for them, and it could be a bad thing, since it points out just how empty the place can be most of the time, as the seats are almost all empty.
Once seated, you can take a look at the napkin holder to decide on what you want to eat. Really. That's where they keep the menu. As you wait, you can take a look at the generally unkempt bottles of barbecue sauce and determine that you probably wouldn't want to use it to flavor your meal, as it doesn't appear that they have been cleaned anytime recently.
The old joke that there is good news and bad news comes to mind. The bad news is that you aren't going to like what is being served (changed a bit for this audience). The good news is that there is plenty of it. At least the service was pleasant.