Civilization is warm, cute, and charming in a kind of catankerous way. It used to be an apothecary, and all the little drawers are still behind the old timey counter. It has a welcoming old world ambiance and stays comfortingly the same over time. They have a great selection of drinks (malted mocha anyone?) with options like almond milk for people who need it. Their prices are way too low (but shh, don't tell them :)) - a fancy latte is only $2.50 and I think the max price is around $3.95. The process at the register is slow and they make drinks painstakingly, so lines can go for a while and it may take 5 minutes to get your drink and pay once you're at the front of the line. Employees are mostly friendly. Their to go cups are way larger than the teensy mugs (8-10oz by my guess) for drinks you buy in the store, so even if you're going to stay, you'll probably want to order "to go". The shop is right on the park and next to the yoga studio, so perfect for a walk.