so here we are... i have never had any problem with PHX PD except for the fact that they break traffic rules everyday... but i wake this morning at 5am to go to work and find on my car 2 tickets from PHX PD written both at 3:01 AM however each was written by two different officers, Jack #8773 and Tomco #8723 (i hope they show up to court) one ticket was for parking the wrong way on the street that is fine i will pay that, the other ticket is for parking in a restricted area in front of my house (parking on the street is prohibited from 7 am to 4 pm for the school on the street) so how is it that me parking there at 3AM is prohibited i dont know if these cops want to continue their love affair on duty please quit your job you werent so quick to respond to the man shot dead on that street last year but are writing tickets at 3 am for bullshit.
i truly hope karma catches these officers.