| - This SPCA rocks! Da one in Honolulu opened just 2 years ago and is a keiki (child) compared to this one. It's definitely a model to aspire to in the future should they be able to secure more funding, office space, and land.
Was on a week long vacation in Las Vegas earlier this month and wanted to see the type of animal shelters that this city had to offer. Gambling on da slots loses its appeal after a while, and the BF and I love to check out local spots and sights. We're weirdos like dat (and proud of it!)
I was pleasantly amazed and inspired by the sight that I saw here. I own 3 rescue cats and foster newborn kittens ... when you're a bleeding heart for animals, it's hard to think they're more like-minded individuals and organizations like you out there.
Go through my pictures, I took choke (alot). They have several rooms that are filled with dozens upon dozens of cats. What's your favorite flavor? They've got tuxedos, fat orange ones, Persian-looking ones, Siamese, etc. Kittens, kit-teens, adults, and even a few elderly.
More recently, dey started a separate room for the guinea pigs and rabbits!! *squeal* According to their recent newsletter, this has boosted da number of guinea pig & rabbit adoptees.
Oddly, I remember seeing a white ferret in the area sanctioned off for da felines. It's illegal to own a ferret in Hawai'i, so couldn't take da cute buggah home. :( His picture is include somewhea up dea.
The dogs come in all kine. More flavors den a Baskin-Robbins. I love how each dog has a piece of paper outlining their life history, age, what kind of home they'd be good for, etc. This makes "shopping" for a dog all dat much more easier --- you can tell if he's good with cats, or should go to a home without young children, etc.
This SPCA rocked choke (a lot) because they have all kines of animals! They had a pot-bellied pig while I was there .. I think 2 of them? Just a month or 2 earlier, they had a baby alpaca in there, too! Alpaca is a cousin to the llama.
They're a no-kill facility that's completely run off of donations. Go in, pet a few animals, and throw dem a few bucks because unlike da (IN)Humane Society, pets actually have a chance to stay until they find their new "forever" home.