Stepping into a hardware store is not my idea of "going shopping". But this great little shop actually makes it pleasant and easy. And not intimidating. Customer service is friendly (minus a couple of female grumpies at the checkout counter- clearly, they'd rather be smoking). Every time I've been in this store or called, I've been greeted warmly, offered to help find items I came in for and each time they've happily pointed me in the right direction. It seems like they actually know things and give a sh..... (shovel?), unlike most of the lazies at that big box orange super store. And i don't feel completely ignorant or small when it comes to tools/supplies and just being in the store in general.
If/when I need to get handy and put my big boy pants on, I'd much rather come here. Ace has all the basics for home improvement/maintenance and then some... from outdoor brooms to plungers, dishwasher products, storage solutions, cleaning tools and products and so much more (but not so much that it's overwhelming). I'll save the Home Depot runs for when we need the lumber or nursery departments and when my husband is leading the DIY show.
And I love that they aren't anti-children. A couple of the employees were super sweet to my littles and the floor manager even offered them a small surprise from the toy chest- I mean, how kind is that?!? Parking is ample and it's always been a quick, efficient and successful visit each time. Kind of makes me want to come back for fun and just browse... (kind of. I'd rather be at Anthropologie).