| - Ugh.
I concur with everyone else: this branch of the Post Office highlights exactly why the Postal Service has a bad reputation. I ended up coming here last week when the delivery team defeated the purpose of my two-day Amazon shipping by saying they couldn't deliver it, and, well, not delivering it for a couple days. For the record: large packages are left on my porch on a daily basis. And my porch is a whole two steps up from the sidewalk, and is never blocked off. So I was already calling nonsense on this situation from the start.
No mail on Sunday meant that I ended up stopping in on a Monday, since my Amazon account eventually updated my package to "Ready For Pickup." This unnecessary day was frustrating enough. Now imagine my additional frustration when, after already having an important package delayed by a number of days, I was told that my package was put back onto the truck that morning. Why? I still don't know why, seeing as my package was listed as a pick-up item at that point. And I'm pretty sure it hadn't been dropped off for at least two delivery days at that point.
By the way, the bonus to this situation was that the woman at the front desk had turned down the office phone so that we could barely hear it ringing as she talked to the line of people physically entering the building. She did take a call on her cell, though, for what sounded like an office management conversation. That's why another reviewer couldn't get someone to answer the phone, I would bet.
This is not the first time the delivery team has given my building trouble, either, although this incident did not do them any favors. Late last year a friend in my building and myself actually had to tape signs to our mailboxes that say "Place Mail Inside." Because in September the people delivering our mail began leaving it on top of the mailboxes themselves. Obviously large packages can go on the porch, but, rainy and windy Pittsburgh, putting our envelopes in a dry, secure space is kind of a must. It's also a basic part of mail delivery. We shouldn't even NEED those signs in the first place.
Anyway. I ended up getting my mail (finally, after staying home from work for a morning to pick it up because I was told to), but who knows what else is getting to me late these days. A bad delivery team and badly staffed main office mean that I will not be sad when I am not at this branch's mercy. They're the only thing I hate about the area I've moved to. And after reading these other reviews, they're the reason I'll be looking into going paperless as much as possible with my bank and card statements in the near future.