Guess who is completely over the Great AZ Picnic? Me!!
My husband and I agreed that this year we would swap our yearly trek to Scottsdale Culinary Festival's Great Arizona Picnic for Devoured. I have heard wonderful things about it. I have been going to the GAP for about 9 years and it has gotten crappier, boozier, and sluttier every year. The first couple years it had up and coming chefs and unique restaurants. Now it has chains and crappy over-hyped restaurants. Is it still fun? Yeah, kind of. If you want to get drunk and people watch and you have a lot of money to do it. One year my friend and I counted the boob jobs. I think we got up to 38... But I digress...
At first we were scared off by the ticket price of Devoured. Then we added up how much we typically spent at the GAP. It turned out to be less and it is in all inclusive price.
When we first got in I was overwhelmed and giddy. It was pretty much a blur after that but lots of fun. Good vegetarian choices, LOTS of wine and booze tastings, Roger Clyne and his delicious tequila, and way less annoying people than GAP. And useful too! We walked out with cards and menus of restaurants we are dying to try.
We got home late afternoon and I immediately fell into a food/wine/bliss coma and didn't wake up till 9pm.