Wurst is the best ( German beer hall ) that I have been to . I went here sight unseen for my GF's Friends birthday or something like that , the details escape me . I was met by a pleasant atmosphere and the sight of people drinking out of shoes....then it hit me that's no Shoe that's DAS BOOT ! and I must have one.
I ordered a boot of a delightful Pilsner and was given the option of plastic or glass; I opted for the Glass (50$ deposit ) because I'm not a child and It's hard to impress total strangers with your drinking prowess if you're imbibing from what amounts to a sippy cup.
If you are a fan of various organ meats in intestinal casings then you will love the menu because it's pretty preserved meats and sausage heavy. I ordered wings and was treated to this bizarre chicken wing/ sausage on a drumstick concoction. 3 to an order , pretzle breaded, covered in hot sauce and massive in size, oh and actually pretty tasty.
The Polka band touring around was great ! it added so much to the ambiance and through the bleary beer induced haze was probably more enjoyable then it should have been.
*****Missing Scene*******