Now THIS was a fun place to hang out on a sunny Father's Day in Cleveland! Casual beach umbrella-topped picnic tables studded the sandy, grassy area of the Marina at Whiskey Island. Casually-clad (some shirtless dudes! : - )))) lined up at the shed for food and there was a separate line for drinks - full bar and some quite nice craft beers on tap and in bottles. I guess I should mention this is kind of a beach bar - there was a building, but it all happens outdoors! Love that.
We ordered bloody Mary's, a shandy and a Bud Light Lime while the hubby waited in the food line for smoked wings. We took all our goodies over to a table and enjoyed some of the best smoked wings I've ever had while we watched lots of dogs with their owners interacting with a slew of other dogs and owners - pugs, chiuauas, Boston terriers, labs, name just a few. Good boat-watching, too, as sailbots and cigarette boats alike pulled in and out as we enjoyed the sun.
Good old-fashioned 60's and 70's rock and roll played in the background and as we were leaving, a live band showed up to entertain the night away. Wish we could have stayed. We WILL be back!