I'm not easily impressed and maybe because I'm not under 5 I felt this place was a little less than entertaining. And I am the biggest kid at heart you'll find.
I'm guessing we didn't get the full experience because we didn't sign up or plan on classes. It's not grown up measure style where there are learning spots it's more jungle gym on steroids. So I can see a couple kids coming together and having the time of their lives while the parents chill on the side lines. It wasn't what we expected so we tried to maneuver around and play with the little guy and he for sure loved it. There's a ball path domino type room and he would still be in there right now if we didn't make him leave.
Beautiful jungle gym in the center, a play area with cushioned toys. There's a mock kitchen/restaurant with kids all doing there part. There are some random car races and small side distractions on each floor. We did the gauntlet and kinda moved in and moved out.
So take this with a grain of salt. Being a couple kids together let them burn some energy and mess with bigger versions of the toys you get at target and call
It a success.