Walked in with my family to grab some coffees and water. The staff was slothfully moving behind the counter. It took a while to even recognize that I was there. Finally, they acknowledged me, I asked for my first drink, he gave me a blank stare. Obviously not ready to take an order, I stepped back and said I could wait, and apologized that I had obviously rushed him. The other slothful person stepped up and repeated an order that was not mine, marked a cup and handed it to the guy actually doing something. I said that that was not what I ordered. He looked at me like I was at Mars and it took at least 30 seconds to recognize that I had anything to say. By then the drink was half made. I only wanted two regular coffees. It took forever while the guys that were slothful surfed on their cell phones. In recognition of effort, the guy actually making the drinks was working hard and was very friendly and seemed competent.